Below is the API documentation for Verrou.

Lock API


Acquire the lock. If the lock is already acquired, it will wait until it is released or the timeout is reached.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key', '10s')
const acquired = await lock.acquire()
const acquired = await lock.acquire({ retry: { timeout: 1000 } })
const acquired = await lock.acquire({ retry: { timeout: '1s' } })
if (acquired) {
await criticalSection()

Accept an optional object with the following properties:

  • retry: An object with the following properties:
    • timeout: The maximum time to wait for the lock to be acquired. Defaults to Infinity.
    • delay: The delay in milliseconds between each retry. Defaults to 250
    • attempts: The maximum number of attempts to acquire the lock.

acquire will return a boolean indicating if the lock was acquired or not


Try to acquire the lock immediately ( without retrying ). If the lock is already acquired, it will return false immediately.

import { errors } from '@verrou/core'
const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
const acquired = await lock.acquireImmediately()
if (acquired) {
await criticalSection()


Release the lock. Note that only the lock owner can release the lock.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
await lock.acquire()
await lock.release()


Acquire the lock, run the callback, and release the lock. The method will return a tuple with the first value being a boolean indicating if the lock was acquired or not, and the second value being the result of the callback.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
const [executed, result] = await lock.run(() => {
// do something
return 'result'


Same as run, but try to acquire the lock immediately ( without retrying ).

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
const [executed, result] = await lock.runImmediately(async () => {
// do something
return 'result'

Accept an optional object with the same properties as acquire.


Check if the lock is acquired.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
const isLocked = await lock.isLocked()


Get the owner name of the lock. By default, the owner name is a randomly generated string.

Getting the owner is useful for sharing the lock between multiple processes

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
const owner = await lock.getOwner()


Check if the lock is expired.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key', '10s')
const isExpired = lock.isExpired()


Extend the lock expiration time.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key', '10s')
await lock.acquire()
// extend the lock expiration time by 10 seconds
// since this is the default expiration time of the lock
await lock.extend()
// extend the lock expiration time by 20 seconds
await lock.extend('20s')

Argument is optional and defaults to the lock expiration time.


Get the remaining time before the lock expires.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key', '10s')
await lock.acquire()
const remainingTime = lock.getRemainingTime()


Force the lock to be released, no matter the owner of the lock.

const lock = verrou.createLock('key')
await lock.forceRelease()

LockFactory API


Create a lock.

import { RedisStore } from '@verrou/core/drivers/redis'
const lockFactory = new LockFactory(new RedisStore())
const lock1 = lockFactory.createLock('key')
const lock2 = lockFactory.createLock('key', '5m')
const lock3 = lockFactory.createLock('key', 30_000)

First argument is the lock key. Second argument is optional and is the lock expiration time. By default, the lock expiration time is 30s.


Restore a lock. Useful when sharing a lock between multiple processes. See Sharing a lock between multiple processes for more details.

import { RedisStore } from '@verrou/core/drivers/redis'
const lockFactory = new LockFactory(new RedisStore())
const lock1 = lockFactory.createLock('key', 'owner')
const lock2 = lockFactory.restoreLock(lock1.serialize())

Verrou API

Verrou API is a wrapper around the LockFactory API.

const verrou = new Verrou({
default: 'myRedisStore',
stores: {
myMemoryStore: { driver: memoryStore() },
myRedisStore: { driver: redisStore() },
mySecondMemoryStore: { driver: memoryStore() },
myPostgresStore: { driver: postgresStore() },

Every method available on the LockFactory class is available on the Verrou class, and will be called on the default store.

If you need to use a different store, you can use the use method.

// use the myRedisStore store, since it's the defined default store
// use a store that is not the default store


As explained above, the use method allows you to use a different store than the default store.
